Saturday 23 January 2010

Fast-the most powerfull weapon

Fast...i think,personally,it is most chalenging,but the most powerfull healing way.
It can be of course taken as prevention,but if i would meet person with any serious illness,even in terminal stadium,i would see some type offast as a main solution.
But it is not in powers of every person to manage long fast,then we want to introduse all ways how you can fast.All depends on your aims,and abilities to manage to be without food.

What is the main point of fasting?
In our body is `burning fire`which is used mainly for digesting of food.And more we eat,me make this fire weaker,it can´t burn inpurities of body.
Then we need to make this fire strong,and only way is to fast.
When we don´t eat this fire is first burning all what is left in digestive system,then it burns exesive gluten in liver,and then,still looking for food is eating all what would stayed not touched.
And good news is,that first it starts with most serious problem.Body is very inteligent and knows what to do.
Even if we have cancer or any serious illness,fasting can step by step enter to energy of cancer,and eat bit day by day

Wednesday 23 December 2009

Different kinds of fast

Not everybody is able to manage fast on watter only,for most people it can be quitte drastical.In that case there are different kids of fast,which can be also very powerfull.
In this fast you eat every second day.It means that body has enought energy to work normaly,and you are not so tired,and it is also easier to manage mentaly.It is not recomended to do it for long time,but period of two weeks should be easy.
By this way you can reach very good blood purification and detox the body well enought.

Very good way of fasting.Is recomended to drink even up to 4 litres of fruit and vegetable juices.It keeps your energy level up,and body has still much more energy to repair and detox body.It is very strong to do it with green juices,but it can have some detox reactions.So it is good to listen your body.Juice fast you can keep even 3 or 5 month,but you can try it just for one week and you will see great difference in your energy.

In urine fast you drink only watter and urine,in any amount.
Urine will spead up healing and detoxing proces,and makes fast easier,and all chemical reaction of body will be easier to go throught.
With urine fast you can expect much higer results then with with ordinary fast.

If you are interested in fasting,i would recomend you to go slowly.There is no reason to rush,it could bring mental troubles to you in future.
You can easily start with one day fast in week,or acording indian tradiciton is very recomended to fast on ECADASHI day,which is 11 days before and after full moon.

When you see that you don't have any problem with one day,then try three days fast.This is already very good fast,and you can be sure that your blood is clean.
And if you feel well,you can make it longer step by step.
In that case is better to slow down,and keep only that period of time which will not make you to eat too much.Such a fast does not have any benefit,and it is even worst for health.

Fast does not have any side effect,it is the supreme healing proces of body.It has only one point which is good to mind,and it is slowing of metabolism down.But it will be fixed within a few days.To speed up metabolism after fast is good to eat small amount of food each few hours,2 or 3 hours.

Fasting is all science and great adventure.
Never fast to loose the weight,it would be vasting of time and energy.
Fasting can always conect you with your true self and cut you off from from habbits of mind.Fasting is not just for body but has very strong spiritual effect to set you free...